may, 2021

Event Details
MIMs - Reconnecting mums with themselves and their community. Creating time and space to laugh, learn and be inspired! 'MIMs' events are about physically connecting with other women, off a screen
Event Details
MIMs – Reconnecting mums with themselves and their community. Creating time and space to laugh, learn and be inspired!
‘MIMs’ events are about physically connecting with other women, off a screen and away from the kids! You’re guaranteed to meet amazing, like minded women in a fun and relaxed environment! Come solo or bring a buddy!
Beach Burrito, Cronulla. 6:30-9pm
Your ticket includes:
– Arrival bubbles
– Guest speaker
– Goodie bag with samples and vouchers
6:30 – Arrival and welcome bubbles
7:00 – Dinner and mingle (If you fancy eating, if not eat before you arrive)
7:30 – Guest Speaker
8:10 – Mingle and connect
9:00 – Leave inspired
(Wednesday) 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm