Being a mum is a full-time gig (with no clock-off time), and between work, kids, and the endless to-do list, it’s easy to put yourself last. But looking after yourself doesn’t have to mean a complete lifestyle overhaul. A few small, simple changes can help you feel more energised and ready to take on the day.
Here are seven realistic ways to stay fit, fueled, and feeling good — without adding extra stress to your plate.
1. Eat Well(ish)
We know, we know — meal prep sounds great in theory, but who has the time? The reality is, sometimes you’ll eat a handful of your kid’s leftover sandwich crusts and call it lunch. And that’s okay.
But when you can, try to have some decent food on hand. A stash of pre-cut fruit and veggies, yoghurt, nuts, and easy grab-and-go options like wraps or pita bread can make a difference.
If dinner’s the struggle, batch cooking things like bolognese or curries can be a lifesaver. And if you need a break from cooking altogether, ordering ready-made high protein meals with Soulara can be a game-changer.
2. Get (some) Sleep
LOL, right? We know solid sleep isn’t always possible — especially if there’s a small person waking you at ungodly hours.
But if you can, aim for small wins. A consistent bedtime (for you too, not just the kids), a decent pillow, and avoiding the Instagram doom scroll before bed can help.
You could also try meditating, taking a magnesium supplement, and even changing your mattress might help.
And if all else fails, naps. Naps are gold.
3. Stay Hydrated
It’s easy to go hours without drinking water, only to realise you’ve had three coffees and nothing else, but staying hydrated is essential for energy, digestion, and focus — so aim for around 2 litres a day and keep a refillable bottle with you as a reminder.
If plain water isn’t appealing, add a squeeze of lemon, some berries, or mint. And while coffee and wine are technically dehydrating, no one’s saying you have to give them up — just find a balance.
4. Move Your Body (Without Overcomplicating It)
Exercise doesn’t have to mean long gym sessions or 5 am runs. The key is to just move in whatever way works for you.
Try to fit in extra steps during the day — whether that’s a walk with the pram, parking further away, or doing squats while brushing your teeth (yes, really). Dance parties with the kids, short workout videos, or even stretching before bed all count. Every little bit adds up.
Investing in a FitBit or Apple Watch can also be a great way to stay motivated, giving you that little nudge to move more throughout the day. Aiming for 6,000 to 10,000 steps is a solid goal, and small adjustments — like taking the stairs instead of the lift or doing a quick lap around the block — can make all the difference.
5. Stress Less (Where Possible)
Mum life can be a lot, and stress is inevitable. But small things can help — like getting outside, deep breathing (even if it’s just to stop yourself from yelling), or taking five minutes to sit with a cup of tea before tackling the next thing on your list.
Also, if saying “no” to extra commitments makes life easier? Do it.
6. Prioritise Self-Care (Without the Guilt)
Self-care doesn’t have to mean bubble baths and spa days (although, if you can—go for it!). Sometimes, it’s as simple as reading a book, listening to music in the car without Cocomelon, or enjoying your coffee while it’s still hot.
Try to carve out a little time each week just for yourself —whether that’s a solo beach walk, a podcast in peace, or catching up with a friend. And if it means asking for help? Do it. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
7. Accept That You Can’t Do It All (And That’s Okay)
Keeping the house spotless with kids around? Not happening. And that’s fine.
If you can afford it, hiring a cleaner (even just once a month) can be a game-changer. If not, set small, manageable goals—like one load of washing a day, a 10-minute tidy-up before bed, or just closing the laundry door and pretending it’s not there for now.