Another day, another play centre
But which ones are worth the money? The best play centers are not about the best for the kids – they are about the best for the mummies. Kids will go anywhere. Not like they have much choice hey? So change your thinking about play centers. Don’t go where the kids want to go. Go where you want to go, Mumma! You deserve to have some fun!!
1. Inflatable World & Flip Out
OK these places ROCK for the awesome, active mum who wants to get her fun on. Yeah, yeah, the kids love it too, but come on, who cares about them. Battle to the death with other mums on the awesome ‘gladiator’ style blow ups at Inflatable World or go to Flip Out and crack that back that’s been killing you since you’ve been carrying a 15 kg bowling ball (aka baby) around for the past year or two (I’ve lost track of time). Just a warning though…. for some mummas these places can be like nightmare on Elm Street…. yes, those mummas who gave birth to the titanic of all kids and have never been quite the same ‘down there’, trampoline just isn’t fun when that’s the case! But woman you shouldn’t miss out on all the fun, it’s the year 2017 and you can get that sorted.
No, I’m not talking about a Thailand visit, I’m talking about putting yourself first and working towards restoring your pelvic floor. Get yourself checked out by a specialist physio, we recommend Arna Opperman ( or get in contact with the beautiful Kimmy ( Both Kimmy and Arna are local mums who are all about postnatal fitness and helping mummas restore their pelvic floor. Your body (and your partner) will thank you for it later. Us mummas have enough to worry about without those fun and games in our lives…
2. The Play Cave
The Play Cave has the best food and best coffee. No, not the best food in comparison to the other centres. It’s down right the best food. Ribs, sweet potatoe chips and damn good coffee! You can sit and watch the kids while you chow down on your delectable meal, that you deserve (because you’ve eaten nothing but kids leftovers the whole day). The two different spaces for different ages are fantastic. The big kids area has loads to do.. Who doesn’t love a musical piano after all? Or shooting projectiles at each other? Just lookout for those damn extra costs when the ride on cars start up!
3. ?
Ok I’m leaving this position open. Why? Cos I want a play centre that’s made for mummies. I want free massage chairs, hair and nail studio, nannies that watch your kids, incredible food, and yes – I want booze! Coffee for the mornings, booze for the arvos please. So who’s up for the challenge? I’ll make sure you’re booked out from here to kingdom come!
And remember mummas out there, play centers can be kill or be killed for some rugrats. So here’s the deal, if someone’s kid is being a sh*t to your kid and the parent ain’t doing anything about it – shut that kid down!!! Protect your own in these wild jungles called play centers…. and don’t feel bad about it…. You’re a helicopter parent? Embrace it. You’re a neglectful parent? Embrace it. You’re a social media addict parent? Embrace it. No matter what you are you’re doing the most amazing job so own it.
So tell us, you awesome mummas – what’s your favorite play Centre? And why?